GROWKNOWLEDGE Growknowledge: What these fear are called
Showing posts with label What these fear are called. Show all posts
Showing posts with label What these fear are called. Show all posts

What these fear are called, you must know

1.  XANTHOPHOBIA -  Xanthophobia is the fear of color yellow, ( जिन्हे पीले रंग से डर लगे) 

2.  NOMOPHOBIA  - Nomophobia is the fear of being without your phone. ( बिना मोबाइल का होना का डर)

3.   ARITHMOPHOBIA  - Arithmophobia is the fear of number. ( जिन्हे नम्बर से डर लगे)

4.  PLUTOPHOBIA  -  Plutophobia is the fear of having money. (जिन्हे खुद के पास पैसा होने का डर )

5.  GLOBOPHOBIA  - Globophobia is the fear of "Balloons" (जिन्हे गुब्बारों से डर लगता है)

6.  ABLUTOPHOBIA  - Ablutophobia is the fear of Bathing, cleaning or washing. ( जिन्हे नहाने से डर लगता है)