1. Sand - रेत
2. Soil - मिट्टी
3. Mud - गिली मिट्टी
4. Stone - पत्थर
5. Pebble - चिकना व गोल पत्थर
6. Concrete - कंक्रीट
7. Rubble - मलबा
8. Lime - चूना
9. Brick - ईंट
10. Rock - चट्टान
11. Boulder - गोल चट्टान का टुकड़ा
12. Gravel - बजरी
Growknowledge, I try to share each and everything which is important. like- english sentences , word and many things.
2. Soil - मिट्टी
3. Mud - गिली मिट्टी
4. Stone - पत्थर
5. Pebble - चिकना व गोल पत्थर
6. Concrete - कंक्रीट
7. Rubble - मलबा
8. Lime - चूना
9. Brick - ईंट
10. Rock - चट्टान
11. Boulder - गोल चट्टान का टुकड़ा
12. Gravel - बजरी
if you want to say that you finished school or college, use the word "graduated" or 'completed my degree'.
Note - Do not use "pass out"
['To pass out' means = to be unconscious or drunk -(बेहोश होना या ज्यादा पी लेना]
The plural of 'Child' is 'Children'. The word 'Childs and Childrens' are absolutely incorrect' .
Information Information
(Note - Do not say Informations, it is incorrect , just say Information)
Cousin Cousin
( Note - Do not say Cousins, it is incorrect. Just say Cousin)
Sister - in - law Sisters - is - law
( Note - Do not say Sister - in - laws, it is incorrect Just say Sisters - in - laws)
3. Introducing oneself using Myself -
Myself is a reflexive pronoun and reflexive pronoun never comes as a Subject.
Do not Introduce yourself using Myself.
You can say "I am" instead of ' myself '.
' Better is Already the comparative degree form of " Good ". we do not need to add ' more ' before it.
If you have the same parent , then refer to your siblings as brother/ sister.
(Note - Do not say Real brother or Real sister , use sibling)
"Just like" का use तब होता है जब किसी एक व्यक्ति का गुण दुसरे व्यक्ति के गुणो से similar होता है।
"When it is set in the sentence that the quality of a person is similar to another person", we use 'just like'.
Sub - subject
Adj - adjective
Adv - adverb.
Noun phrase - Possessive pronoun + noun.
उदाहरण - वह उतनी ही सुन्दर है , जितनी की उसकी माँ।
Translate - she is beautiful , just like her mom.
2. वह उतना ही देशभक्त है, जितना की उसका बाप।
He is patriot just like his father.
3. वह उतना ही दयालु है, जितना की उसकी बहन।
He is kind, just like his sister.